Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Role Does Language and Language Diversity Play in the Critical Thinking Process?

Language is one of the greatest tools for people. Through languages we are able to communicate with other people through our sadness, joy, anger and confusion. When there are two people, it is inevitable that our lines will cross and how it resolves depends on communication. Language helps us organize what we wish to tell the other person. When we don’t know the language well enough, we experience difficulty in understanding each other. Furthermore, it is widely held that knowing more language widens our understanding of our experiences. Part of the reason is because when you learn new languages, you learn the culture that comes with it. For example, we cannot fully learn the Korean language without know in the culture. In the learning process, we must learn the culture within the language itself. We also need to be aware that some words do not translate to other language. In that case, we have to think critically on how we could describe in the best way to communicate. As we do that, we acquire more skill in communicating to another, such as considering what the other person might be experiencing. Language and language diversity play a big part in organizing, summarizing, and most importantly responding to the whole process of critical thinking. In critical thinking, communication is the outcome and language obviously is a big part of communication. Communication requires understanding. As I introduced, language is designed so that we can communicate for understanding what and how we feel. Using visual language such as gestures, signs, and pictures also helps with the process of understanding. Interestingly, words have ambiguous meanings based on the different contexts. It is very important to be able to recognize the context in which the word is used in order that there will be clear critical thinking. I believe that language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts, however I also know that we have emotions that are very difficult to describe. With a lack of vocabulary, we can have a very difficult time in expressing our true thoughts and feelings. Language is made so that we can communicate our emotions within ourselves, and if it is difficult to deliver that precise message, it has the power to enhance or limit the expression of our thoughts. For instance, if I was to speak with a person who speaks a different language, it will be difficult to deliver the a clear message because of the language barrier. The only thing that could help in the situation is the personal knowledge of the language. If we know the multiple meanings of words and the background of the person you are speaking to, we probably could define terms carefully and position our words correctly. Critical thinking could be the most important role in process of persuasion. First, we have to examine and evaluate the situation from several different points of view in order to establish our opinion. This is very similar to the step of selection in critical thinking. Then, we need to collect the source that supports the opinion. This will help greatly when summarizing the conclusion. In the next step, critical thinking will be used again as we need to realize the importance of understanding the issues. One of the most important aspects that we need to be aware of in persuasion is to understand what the other person is thinking for the purpose of better persuasion. Lastly, we need to summarize the game plan, in other words, how you will present according to the opinion and logical analysis with relevant sources. As I describe this step by step, I am convinced that critical thinking holds a crucial role in persuasion. It is essential to be aware of the power of language. It allows us to communicate and understand to advance in our society. Knowledge will also be passed on through language, and when you combine that knowledge with critical thinking, it will widen your understanding to be able to communicate with different people. When language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts, we need to think critically to seek for the words that might be able to tell the other person what you really feel. Lastly, persuasion can be interfered by the emotions. We need to maintain within critical thinking to be able to analyze logically. If we do not use the language properly, it will cause misunderstanding, hurt, and damages through communications. However, if we know how to use it right and have the better knowledge and understanding, it will help to make this world to a better place.

American and African Culture

The African American culture includes different cultural traditions of African-American communities. It is more famously named as the Black culture. According to McKinnon, The United States Census Bureau the African Americans as people who have origins in any of the Black race groups that came from Africa. Before the Civil War, the Africans were held as slaves in America.As slaves, their rights to exercise and practice their cultures and traditions were restricted. Nevertheless, there were some traditions that were kept alive up to the day of their liberation after the Civil War until it was recognized to build and identity as African American Culture. The way of survival of such traditions was to blend with some of the elements of the culture in America or the American Culture.This paper serves as a descriptive essay that shall include the following aspects of the African American Culture; Meanings of colors; Social Customs; Concept of Time; Clothing and Food; Religion; Marriage, Bi rth, Death (whether there are special rituals associated with any of these); Holiday; Ethical values; Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication. The African American Culture is also a mixture of other cultures because as salves, the Africans needed to blend with the American Culture in order that their culture may survive.It also has blended with the European culture due to the influence of European culture to American Culture. The survival of the African American Culture is a symbol in itself that speaks of the persistence of the Africans to liberate them from slavery and eventually establish an identity of their own through their cultures and traditions. Meanings of colors Use caution when teaching about color symbolism. Symbolism of colors vary from culture to culture.Color is considered one of the most useful and powerful design tools you have. People respond to different colors in different ways, and these responses take place on a subconscious, emotional level. In African American c ulture, black has long been associated with death, while white is believed to signify life and purity. In the African American culture, the black has also come to suggest sophistication and formality. Americans generally associate trust stability with the color blue. Social Customs and Ethical valuesThe Social customs in the African American culture includes a variety and form of slave based custom since they have been enslaved for a long time. The social customs involves the social and political issues where the African Americans continue to struggle. Before the Civil War, the African slaves were not given the right to vote, but when the Voting Right’s Act was passed, African Americans then were allowed to vote and elected in public office. Another aspect of the social custom of the African Americans is their concept of family.Due to the chattel slavery that was practiced before in America, it was rare for slave families to be sold apart from each other as separate sales. Ne vertheless, after the years of slavery, the families of African Americans became a recognized unit of the society, which serves as the backbone in organizing a community. The nature of the families and communities built by African Americans are patriarchal but women are also recognized to help in the raising of the family. Mutual aid is also practiced by extended families through childcare, emotional, and economic support.African Americans have close family ties thus; it is easy for the older generations to pass on their cultures and traditions to the new generations who in turn will pass such to the future generations to come. The younger members of the family also put a high regard for their elders that they themselves take care of their elders instead of opting for private care. This strong ties of the African American families keeps their family together thus creating a stronger society. Concept of TimeThe African American concept of time is still based on their being once a sla ve who are compelled to wake up early before sunrise to get to work and then sleep late at night after fixing all that is needed for tomorrow’s work. The African Americans have always been hardworking. For the African Americans who were raised from the doom of slavery, time is a very important concept to success. Clothing The clothing of the African Americans has been influenced by the modern fashion and West African traditional clothing to create a uniquely African American traditional style. The best-known African textile is the â€Å"Kente Cloth†.According to an article on African traditional clothing, â€Å"Kente cloth is woven in colorful and festive patterns that are present in many different varieties which were genuinely made by Ashanti and Ewe who came from Ghana and Togo that which according to history, it was fabric that are used to make the clothes for the royalties during the early times until it eventually became a common clothing for the African America ns that ranges from casual t-shirts to formal bow ties and cummerbands, and also head ties for women. † Food Food for the African Americans is one way of bringing a family together.The traditional cook out is one of the most renowned heritage of the African American families. This is a once a week event where families gather and simply cook the best food for their family just at their backyard. After which they enjoy themselves with simple cocktails and listening to soulful music with soulful dances. According to the History of Soul food, â€Å"the gardening cultivation and use of many agricultural products in the United States, such as yams, peanuts, rice, okra, sorghum, grits, watermelon, indigo dyes, and cotton can be draw from African impact.Such African American foods manifest ingenious replies to racial and economic repression. Under slavery, African Americans were not permitted to eat better cuts of meat, and after liberation, many frequently were too underprivileged t o manage to pay for them. Soul food, a hearty cuisine generally related with African Americans in the South, makes ingenious use of low-priced products acquired through farming and substinence hunting and fishing. Pig intestines are boiled and sometimes pound and fried to make â€Å"chitterlings†.Ham hocks and neck bones offer seasoning to soups; bean and boiled greens. Other common foods, such as fried chicken, and fish, cornbread and hoppin john are simply prepared. † Religion â€Å"While African Americans practice a number of religions, Protestant Christianity is by far the most popular. † â€Å"Additionally, 14% of Muslims in the United States and Canada are African American. † A river baptism in New Bern, North Carolina near the turn of the 20th century. â€Å"The religious culture of African American Christians is known as the Black church.During slavery, many slaves were stripped of their African belief systems and typically denied free religious p ractice. However, slaves managed to hang on to some practices by integrating them into Christian worship in secret meetings. These practices, including dance, shouts, African rhythms, and enthusiastic singing, remain a large part of worship in the Black church. Black churches taught that all people were equal in God's eyes and viewed the doctrine of obedience to ones master taught in White churches as hypocritical.† â€Å"Instead the Black church focused on the message of equality and hopes for a better future. † â€Å"Before and after emancipation, racial segregation in America prompted the development of organized Black Denominations. The first of these was the AME Church founded by Richard Allen in 1787. † â€Å"A Black church is not necessarily a separate denomination. Several predominantly Black churches exist as members of predominantly White denominations. † â€Å"Black churches have served to provide Blacks with leadership positions and opportunit ies to organize that were denied in mainstream American society.Because of this Black pastors became the bridge between the Black and White communities and thus played a crucial role in the American Civil Rights Movement. † On the other hand, â€Å"generations before the advent of the Atlantic slave trade, Islam was a thriving religion in West Africa. Slaves in the Americas were often forcibly converted to Christianity and while first-generation slaves were often able to retain their Muslim identity, their descendants were not. In the decades after slavery, some Black leaders sought to provide freed slaves with self-esteem and an opportunity to reconnect with their Islamic roots.The best known of these movements is the Black Nationalist and Black supremacist Nation of Islam founded by Wallace Fard in 1930 and lead by Elijah Muhammad from 1934. But much like Malcolm X, who left the Nation of Islam in 1960, many African American Muslims now follow traditional Islam. † Mar riage, Birth, Death (are there special rituals associated with any of these? ) The bride in an African American wedding refers to the tradition of Yoruba. This very spiritual service reflects the depth of the African family by the sharing of gifts and love. The ceremony process may begin about a month before the wedding with a spiritual reading.Elements of the actual ceremony may include a Libation (a prayer with an offering, usually water or liquor offered by an elder). This ritual calls upon and asks God's blessing and the blessings of ancestral spirits. The groom verbally seeks permission from the bride's mother to marry her daughter. Gifts are presented to the brides’ family symbolizing the ability of the groom to take care of this woman. They are accepted by the bride's father. Other elements of the ceremony may include a tasting and explanation of spices, prayers, exchange of rings.A great celebration follows. Holiday The African Americans are festive in nature that the y like other ethnic groups celebrate holidays and commemorate events in honor of their heroes and patrons. One of the most famous African American Holiday is the Black History Month, which is a month long celebration where they commemorate their experiences of slavery until their emancipation from oppression. This includes the birthdays of Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln who were the considered African American heroes during the Civil War.Another holiday is the Martin Luther Day in commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. he was also one African American Hero who they owe their liberation. Kwanzaa is a colorful festival invented by an activist named â€Å"Maulana† Ron Karenga in 1966 as intended to be an alternative for the celebration of Christmas. Moreover is the Emancipation Day where they celebrate their freedom from slavery in the United States. Finally is the Malcolm X Day, which is an event to commemorate the achievements of Malcolm X, another nationalist during the civil war. Verbal and Non-Verbal CommunicationGenerations of hardships imposed on the African American community created distinctive language patterns. Slave owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than English. This, combined with prohibitions against education, led to the development of pidgins, simplified mixtures of two or more languages that speakers of different languages could use to communicate. â€Å"Examples of pidgins that became fully developed languages include Creole, common to Haiti, and Gullah, common to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia.† African American Vernacular English is a type variety (dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of the American English language spoken by some African Americans that shares some grammatical and orthographically features with Creole and West African languages. While AAVE is academically considered to be a legitimat e dialect, it is often viewed by teachers and other members of the middle-class, regardless of race or ethnicity, as either slang or the result of a poor understanding of the English language. † ReferencesBerlin, Ira. Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1998. Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or, Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself. Edited by Shelley Eversley. New York: Modern Library, 2004. Morgan, Philip D. Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998. Wood, Peter H.Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the Stono Rebellion. New York: Knopf, 1974; New York: Norton, 1975. James A. McMillin Wrapped in Pride: Ghanaian Kente and African American Identity. National Museum of African Art. Retrieved on May 17, 2007. A History of Soul Food. 20th Century Fox. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Jonsson, Patrik (February 06, 2006). Backstory: Southern discomfort food. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. The Study of African American Religion. Harvard University. Retrieved on 2007-06-01.American Muslims Population Statistics. Council on American-Islamic Relations. Retrieved on 2007-05-22. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie. African American Religion, Pt. I: To the Civil War. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved on May 15, 2007. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. (May 2001). The Church in the Southern Black Community. University of North Carolina. Retrieved on May 21, 2007. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. (May 2001). The Church in the Southern Black Community. University of North Carolina. Retrieved on May 21, 2007. Amazing grace: 50 years of the Black church.Ebony (April 1995). Abdul Alkalimat and Associates. Religion and the Black Church, 6th, Introduction to Afro-American Studies, Chicago: Twent y-first Century Books and Publications. Huda. African-American Muslims. About. com. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Eisenberg, Carol (January 22, 2005). Black Muslims seek acceptance from fellow Americans, adherents. The Seattle Times. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Dale, Maryclaire (August 9, 2003). African Religions Attracting Americans. African Traditional Religion. afgen. com. Retrieved on 2007-06-02.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kate Chopin’s Story Of An Hour And The Storm Essay

Author Kate Chopin has expressed feminine freedom in two of her short stories: â€Å"The Storm† and â€Å"Story of an Hour†. She was the breakthrough author for female independence and human sexuality. Through these two short stories, Chopin describes the lives of two women who discover their freedom in times where society does not accept women as equal to men. â€Å"The Storm† relates love and marriage as a prevention for free full blown passion. â€Å"Story of an Hour† relates love and marriage to unhappiness and repression. â€Å"The Storm† holds a very symbolic meaning for passion. It affirms feminine sexuality through Calixta and Alcee’s relationship. Despite Calixta’s marriage to Bobinot, she proceeds with her unacceptable behavior in society with Alcee and commits adultery. Her newfound passion determines the importance of passion in 1890s where many women felt they were bound. Many parts in the story foreshadow Calixta and Alcee’s sexual encounter. The storm itself was describing their progressing passion with the encounter of a lightening bolt and thunder: â€Å"Calixta put her hands to her eyes, and with a cry, staggered backward. Alcee’s arm encircled her, and for an instance he drew her close and spasmodically to him.† The increasing power of the storm represents the increasing passion between the two lovers. This short story puts aside the constraints of society and marriage, and opens a door for feminine sexuality. The same sense of freedom that Chopin expressed in â€Å"The Storm† applies to â€Å"Story of an Hour†. Main character Louise Mallard is an elderly woman who has lost her husband. She is in a state of thought when she realizes her newfound freedom. She discovers that her marriage was a bondage and hopes for a long life to enjoy this new freedom. Her marriage seemed to have cast shadows on her happiness. In this time of thought, she focuses on her own feelings and indifference to her husband Brently Mallard. Even more so Louise is affected with her heart condition. Her heart condition foreshadowed Louise’s demise. It’s purpose was to describe her as weak of heart and weak of character. She could not accept her misery and lacked honor even so to be aware of her own unhappiness. This  again expressed the oppression of women in the 1890s mentally and physically. The two stories share a sense of contradiction. Calixta is left happy and renewed after her experience. She welcomes her husband Bobinot and her son Bibi happily when they arrive home after the storm. This is where Chopin describes the first step into freedom of marriage and sexuality. â€Å"Story of an Hour† on the other hand expresses demise of a woman who was on the verge of freedom. Louise is happy too when she realizes that her marriage was preventing her from happiness. She chanted the word free to her self in realization. She is so overwhelmed with her freedom that she dies when her surviving husband appears to her. She dies of knowing that she does not have her freedom after all. Chopin expressed love as a way of freedom and oppression in her short stories. She described Calixta’s adultery a passion while Louis’s marriage an oppression. Either way, it lead to some sort of resolution into freedom. The discovery of passion in â€Å"The Storm† was so great that Alcee himself did not want to commit to his wife. In â€Å"Story of an Hour† Louise Mallard considered her marriage and love unreal and unworthy of her. She does not want to be under the will of another person Women of Chopin’s time felt these fictionous stories, but were undermined of society. Love, passion, and marriage work together in â€Å"The Storm† and â€Å"Story of an Hour† to bring an idea to the reader of how relationships were in the 1890s. Love and marriage fall to passion in Chopin’s stories.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The business of water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The business of water - Essay Example This paper illustrates that since water companies began to be privatised, there has been an ongoing debate from both the political and social circles regarding the sustainability of private water companies. The debate has brought together political movements, labour movements and major corporations with each side having a conflicting opinion regarding privatising water services. There is a common pattern in developed countries regarding the improvement of water and sanitation services. In many countries across the world, water provision services began as early as the 17th century. However, such services were only used by people of a higher social class and state departments such as the fire brigades. The subsequent development of urban centres saw an influx of people towards cities thus creating a water crisis. Water ceased to become an incentive but a requirement for almost every household in the urban areas. Despite the fact that the previous water and sanitation services were oper ated by private entities, municipalities and urban councils took over the provision of water services to address the rising acute water shortage. France, however, maintained the status quo and private water companies continued to operate independently which explains why the largest water companies in the world are France’s Suez and Veolia. Those in support of municipalities taking over water and sanitation services argued that the state bodies had the ability to address the inefficiencies in water provision by private contractors.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Feasibility Of Atomic Bombings In Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay

Feasibility Of Atomic Bombings In Hiroshima And Nagasaki - Essay Example This paper will look at the usage of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the perspective in three dimensions and stages, how it impacted the situation in present, near future and longer future. Scenario behind Hiroshima events: There was a built up towards the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing event, and it did not happen without a reason or in a fortnight, series of events led to the occurrence of this, and it can be said that the threat was in the atmosphere ever since 1942. Events like Peal Harbor and Mid way Island incident further ignited it and can be termed as the possible reasons towards Hiroshima and Nagasaki events. Short term outcomes: In short term, it lead to the victory of the allies, while the Normandy operation, Pearl Harbor were hall marks of recent days in the Second World War, and a solution was sought. Japan was going all guns and exploiting anything possible and in sight, thereby they had to be controlled. The single event of Pearl Harbor speaks for the type of offensive intentions they possessed. Their actions were indiscriminate on many fronts pertaining to the non military and civilian areas attacks. The consequence of using atomic bomb was total destruction of axis. Leaving them crippled. The atomic bomb was a death blow and a last nail in the coffin, which led to complete surrender in no time. this had a direct impact on the German moral, and their troops surrendered in no time. A warning to Nazis: The atomic bomb on Japan was a clear warning to Germany. If they did not halt their activities, Berlin, Frankfurt, would be the next target. Thereby this action had great repercussions and all to the... Scenario behind Hiroshima events: There was a built up towards the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing event, and it did not happen without a reason or in a fortnight, series of events led to the occurrence of this, and it can be said that the threat was in the atmosphere ever since 1942. Events like Pearl Harbor and Mid way Island incident further ignited it and can be termed as the possible reasons towards Hiroshima and Nagasaki events. Short term outcomes: In short term, it leads to the victory of the allies, while the Normandy operation, Pearl Harbor was hall marks of recent days in the Second World War, and a solution was sought. Japan was going all guns and exploiting anything possible and in sight, thereby they had to be controlled. The single event of Pearl Harbor speaks for the type of offensive intentions they possessed. Their actions were indiscriminate on many fronts pertaining to the non-military and civilian areas attacks. The consequence of using the atomic bomb was the total destruction of the axis. Leaving them crippled. The atomic bomb was a death blow and a last nail in the coffin, which led to complete surrender in no time. this had a direct impact on the German morale, and their troops surrendered in no time. A warning to Nazis: The atomic bomb on Japan was a clear warning to Germany. If they did not halt their activities, Berlin, Frankfurt, would be the next target. Thereby this action had great repercussions and all to the positives in terms of the Allies action and strategies.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example The person wanted to know if the problem seen from the perspective of the employee and their particular obligation to the larger organizational community. I was asked to explain the many issues linked to CSR. A second question raised was related to the commitment to CSR, and whether CSR is designed to help an organization to make a profit, whether it is truly concerned with the company’s degree of social commitment. Organizations are set up and designed in order to be profitable. In order to focus upon this they must of necessity publicize themselves in markets both local and worldwide. They can do this by undertaking various organizations undertake various procedures. Another reason why companies need to promote themselves is the competitive element. There will always be other companies who are trying to get the edge over them. CSR is a positive response to such pressures and will be accepted in a positive way. A number of research studies have revealed the positive propertie s of CSR and its good effects upon employees (Ali and Ali, 2011; Gross and Holland, 2011; Brammer, Millington and Rayton, 2007) and upon the wider community (Tang and Tang, 2007; Mohr, Webb and Harris, 2001; Moir, 2001).

Friday, July 26, 2019

William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying study questions Essay

William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying study questions - Essay Example Each character is shown as being differentiated and actually utterly alone in his thoughts and interpretations of the events. Whatever a character is thinking is what what is encountered by the reader. Incomplete thoughts and hard-to-decipher dialect compound the initial problem that the reader encounters. Since the reader is obliged to follow the mental meanderings and preoccupations of each character, one at a time, it is inevitable that the reader will become confused. The reason for the family's obstinacy in getting Addie's request fulfilled is left to the reader to decipher from the family's behavior and thoughts. Aside from the unfolding of events (the story itself), what holds the interest of the reader is the challenge, or at least the wait, of being able to piece this puzzle together. The presence of characters not part of the Bundren family allows the reader feel that he can make a more objective judgment, and these outside characters show us that what the Bundren family is doing is not 'normal'. In the early parts of the book, I expected that there would be quite a lot of confusion. Faulkner gives only small glimpses of the plot, and slowly, so that the picture becomes clearer as the story goes on. The structure of the novel began to feel simpler as I pro

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Retail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Retail - Essay Example Retailing is a critical part of modern society because of convenience. Retailing fosters the transportation and presentation of consumer goods to the doorstep of buyer’s doorstep (O’Brien and Harris, 2012). The community gains from retailing as retail enterprises conduct marketing roles that make it likely for consumers to make use of a wide range of commodities and services. A second critical role played by retailing in contemporary society is availability. Commodities and services do not have value for consumers until they acquire and use them. Retail enterprises get commodities and services from various locations, categorize them at one point in line with consumer needs, and foster consumer availability. Retailing is also a critical part of modern society because of bulk convenience. Retail shops itemize bulk goods and present them in amounts and sizes as wanted by customers (O’Brien and Harris, 2012). Retail stores assist consumers by offering suitable goods, services, and guidance in the packaging and amounts they want. Retailing is assures a supply chain, which is critical to contemporary society. A supply chain ensures the flow and availability of commodities and services to consumers after leaving manufacturers or distribution points (Madaan, n.d.). The supply chain is an incorporated framework in which retail enterprises play a vital role. The relationship between retail enterprises and manufacturers or distributors is a categorization process. This process entails gathering a variety of commodities and services from a broad array of suppliers, and presenting them for sale (Madaan, n.d.). Another chain assured by retailing is the value chain that is critical for modern society. When buyers buy products, retail enterprises ought to order additional products to refill their stock (O’Brien and Harris, 2012). Afterwards, manufacturers buy additional resources to use to make additional products. This process is the root of consumer spending, which drives modern society. Retailing also boosts employment, which is a critical aspect of modern society. A host of enterprise communities and individuals make up the manufacturing, distribution, and retailing process of economy. Retailing makes up the biggest revenue maker and job producer just after agriculture. Retailing offers jobs to the least financially fortunate and unprofessional together with the learned and skilled.

Buying the House in the Area of Northridge Essay

Buying the House in the Area of Northridge - Essay Example b) Sexual Offenders: There were ten sexual offenses recorded in recent days in various parts of Northridge which can also be recognized as the neighborhood area of Rinaldi Street (Office of the Attorney General, â€Å"In Violation†). c) Density: According to the Census 2000, the neighborhood area of the selected house/condo is populated with a total number of 28,049 people (U.S. Census Bureau, â€Å"Fact Sheet†). Thus, the area is not densely populated.   d) Local School Ratings: The selected area of Northridge encompasses with 14 preschools, 10 public elementary, 3 public middles, 1 district, 1 public high, 1 public charter and 17 private schools (Great Schools Inc, â€Å"Districts or Schools in Northridge†). Few of the schools have been ranked as the top schools in the county while most of them are ranked as fairly good between 1 to 6 out of 10 (Los Angeles Times, â€Å"Northridge†). e) Earthquake Fault Location: The area of Northridge in Los Angeles region possesses a high risk of the earthquake from faults such as blind thrust fault and others. The selected area includes itself in the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones (the State of California, â€Å"Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Maps†). a) Zoning Regulations: The selected area includes in the Restricted Density Multiple Dwelling Zone. According to the regulations prescribed the area is prohibited to be used for commercial purpose. The residents are also not allowed to have equine(s) in a lot area which is less than 20,000 square feet. Moreover, increasing the building over two stories is also prohibited. However, the selected condo includes itself in the RD2 zone (American Legal Publishing Corporation, â€Å"Municipal Code, Chapter I (Planning And Zoning Code)†.).   

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


PROMOTING RECOVERY WORKING WITH COMPLEX NEEDS - Essay Example An increasing number of people in this group also have problems with substance misuse, often resulting in contact with the criminal justice system. These problems often interact and can appear intractable. Recent years have seen a paradigm shift in mental health, from a focus on illness and disability towards the promotion of recovery and social inclusion (Repper and Perkins, 2003). Underpinned by a stress vulnerability model of mental health problems (Zubin and Spring, 2004, 105; Nuechterlein, 2004, 300), a range of psychosocial interventions (PSI) can be used to enable service users to build on strengths and develop skills in order to manage their own mental health more effectively. This in turn can facilitate attainment by service users of socially valued roles and relationships taken for granted by most people. One of the available interventions is a structured approach to the prevention of relapse, developed by Birchwood and colleagues (Birchwood et al, 2000, 5), building on the early work of Herz and Melville (2006) and Birchwood himself (Birchwood et al, 2000, 652). This work had demonstrated that it was possible to predict relapse in psychosis on the basis of recognition of early warning signs. The intervention incorporates a strong educative element. This aims to increase understanding of the typically episodic nature of psychosis and to enhance service users' self-efficacy in relation to the management of their mental health. A Cochrane Review (Pekkala and Merinder, 2002) concluded that psychological education significantly reduces relapse rates, increases compliance with medication, and may have a positive effect on a person's well being. To deliver the relapse prevention intervention effectively calls for the use of a set of specialist knowledge and skills, in addition to general mental health nursing skills. Aims Our primary aim was to enhance the quality of service provided to users of the inpatient areas of the local mental health rehabilitation service by making the relapse prevention intervention available routinely and sustainably. An essential interim aim was to equip the multidisciplinary team with the knowledge, skills and confidence required to deliver the intervention effectively. To address these aims and evaluate whether they were achieved, we developed a project plan in six stages. In the event, workers from community settings also sought out the training, and so the original scope of the project was broadened to include all areas of the mental health rehabilitation service. This paper will focus on the aspects of the project relating to service users. Intervention The project was jointly led by the clinical nurse leader of the mental health rehabilitation services and a lecturer practitioner. At the outset we sought guidance from the Trust's research and development coordinator as to whether we should seek ethical approval for our planned project. The advice received was that the project represented service audi t/evaluation rather than research and, as such, ethical approval was not required. We began by attending clinical meetings at which we described our plans and encouraged discussion and questions by the multidisciplinary team. We refined a previously developed two-day training programme in order to meet the needs of a multidisciplinary group

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The underground world of commercial sex (Real Stories of Prostitution Essay

The underground world of commercial sex (Real Stories of Prostitution in America) - Essay Example Prostitution comes into different forms. It can be in a form of escort service, massage parlours onto the internet, or clubs like the Bunny Ranch. One thing deeply interrelated with prostitution is drug addiction. Most women sex workers depend on drug to be able to work as a prostitute or a hooker. When we talk about this topic, I must say that it is very important to pay consideration to the women and their sides of story. Sometimes we judge them directly for what they are or their profession, but not for who they really are. Some of these women, like those interviewed by Diane Sawyer, are victims of society. A lot of these girls are young who were systematically abused, who ran away from home, who need money, and are very vulnerable to promises that this so called profession can offer. But they stick to the job to live. This means that it is not in their free will that they wanted to have a job like this. They resort to drugs to forget who they are and just do the job to support th em. When they are on duty, they have to forget who they are and fulfil their customers’ fantasies, even if that means pretending to be their pretty nice little girlfriends and whatever they desire. It is just so sad that these women are more likely to get arrested than the johns who pay them.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Causation and Correlation Essay Example for Free

Causation and Correlation Essay Causation and Correlation Paper The topic I am going to pick is â€Å"Wealthy people are thin†. This could go both ways I am thinking. Wealthy people have the means to stay thin. They have money, resources, and the means to keep there health in check. If you’re poor or not wealthy you basically have to eat or cook what ever is cheap and some healthy foods are not cheap. For these reasons I think the correlation for this topic could be a good one or a bad one, it just depends on what your economic status is and what you can or can’t afford. I think if I had to pick one or the other out of causation and correlation I think this topic is more causation. The reasoning for my selection is that if you are wealthy you have more options to stay thin. So for this being wealthy can cause one to stay thin. Another reason why wealthy people are more able to stay thin over less wealthier people is because like I have mentioned food is expensive and the foods they might need to get you might have to travel or go to special stores. Another way this is causation is because wealthy people can also afford personal trainers or even a gym membership along with weight loss doctors to stay on track. For all these reasons they cause wealthier people to stay thin. Reference: Causation and Correlation in this weeks materials.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Led To The Introduction Of Itv Media Essay

What Led To The Introduction Of Itv Media Essay British broadcasting has come a long way in the past fifty years, from a monopoly held by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) to the huge diversity of channels we now have, from not only terrestrial television, but also Sky and cable. The genres of the programmes on these channels are now so diverse that there is rarely a point in time when somebody cannot find something on television. From the birth of television in 1936 and up until 1955 the BBC had held the monopoly over broadcasting, at first, only showing 6 hours a day of programmes deemed suitable by traditionalists, like Sir Lord Reith who at the time was the Director-General of the BBC, for the public. It was in 1955 that the first big change in broadcasting came about with the introduction of ITV which broke the monopoly and thus by the same token led to greater competition within the market. In this essay I will discuss what important factors and issues with the BBC led to the introduction of the commercial channel ITV a nd later, Channel 4; and how it caused unlikely alliances, disputes and controversy. At the BBCs creation it was deemed appropriate that it should be a public service broadcaster, while this meant that it would be isolated from commercial pressures it also meant that it would need to have alternative funding; this came in the form of the television license fee which was basically a broadcast receiving tax. As the BBC was funded by the Government via a tax they had to provide an impartial service which had to conform to its Royal Charter of 1927; among other things it said that the BBC had to: Sustain citizenship and civil society, promote education and learning, stimulate creativity and cultural excellence and represent the UK, its nations, regions and communities [3]. After the WWII, the BBCs monopoly began to be questioned, this lead to a growing aversion towards paternalism and a yearning for freedom of choice. Subsequently, after a change in power in late 1951, the Conservative party decided to publish its own ideas for the breaking of the BBC monopoly. They suggested: In the expanding field of television, provision should be made to permit some element of competition when the calls on capital resources at present needed for purposes of greater national importance makes this feasible. In essence this was the first step in the creation of ITV. Unlike the BBC, ITV was to be funded via the sale of slots in its broadcasting timetable for advertisers (another option was to allow sponsorship; however, the regulator thought this was not appropriate). The nature and quality of the advertising was, however, stringently controlled by the regulators and no more than 6 minutes of adverts were to be shown within any given hour. One of the main factors in the introduction of ITV was to increase consumer choice. Up until 1952 there was only one channel to watch and so you had either the option of watching the one programme that was on at the time or not watching television at all. This was at a time that the country was feeling more confident, workers wages were increasing and the first whiff of prosperity was filtering across the country. Individual identity was starting to be questioned, one could argue that this was partly due to the American influence of TV and radio; whether it was the gritty US hero films, the songs of Buddy Holly and Johnny Cash or just the feeling that the US had everything bigger, better, richer and possibly, to use a more modern expression, more trendy. The introduction of ITV not only doubled the number of programmes people could choose from but also led to higher quality programmes being directed. People liked this increased choice and freedom to make their own decisions; as Frede rick Ogilvie, a former Director General of the BBC, stated Freedom is choice And monopoly of broadcasting is inevitably the negation of freedom no matter how efficiently it is run [2] The reason for greater quality of programmes was the increased competition after the creation of ITV. For ITV to receive the maximum amount of revenue from its advertising it needed to have a high proportion of the public watching its channel. While this required a lot of initial investment to create the programmes in the long term it would provide more than enough advertising revenue to cover this cost. This also, although maybe subtly, influenced the BBC. While at first glance it may seem that the BBC and ITV have different revenue streams and are therefore not direct competitors, the BBC had to keep up with the increasing quality of the ITV programmes. This was not because, unlike ITV, they needed to increase revenue but because if they were not seen to have programmes of a similar or greater quality than ITV then soon the general public would start to question the television licence fee which could have led to the end of the BBCs funding and indeed the end of the company itself. Another criticism of the BBC was that they only really catered for the population inside London which was exposed in the report of 1951. This report shocked many people as it was written by MP Sir William Beveridge. People expected him to side with the BBC as he upheld many traditional values, like Lord Reith. He suggested that it should set up national commissions for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland [1]. Beveridge, however, didnt agree with the introduction of commercial television, after seeing how the advertising worked in America he deemed it obtrusive and objectionable à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ironically it was the Beveridge report that spurred the conservative government in 1951 to move forward with plans of commercial television as his report encouraged, the conservative MP Lloyd Selwyn to do a follow up report, in which he agreed with many of Beveridges points, he was for the introduction of commercial television. Selwyn along with many other business men saw the potential investm ents that could be made in commercial television; they believed that many benefits would come from advertising their products as it would reach millions. This self-profit idea didnt go unnoticed and caused some controversy, one even said At what point are the MPs representing their constituencies and web are they speaking as directors?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Initially it was planned that ITV should be made up of three separate franchise regions: London, the Midlands and the North, each of which would be occupied by more than one contractor. This would lead to competition not only between the combined ITV force and the BBC but also between the different contractors. However, there was a failure on the governments behalf, due to not allocating enough frequencies, this was unable to happen. Instead to still keep competition high the ITA decided to split the franchises on a weekday/weekend basis. People were fed up of the American commercial nature of ITV and how all of its shows strived for ratings rather than quality and so there was a committee set up to investigate the state of broadcasting in the 1960s. It was called the Pilkington report and its function was to clean up the vulgarity of ITV. The report praised the BBC and allowed the introduction of a second channel, BBC2. In a way the Pilkington report was like going back in a way in broadcasting history, it took on the paternalistic role, that the public so hated about the BBC. Eventually people accepted ITV and the BBC working together and the competition grew much less fierce. People had decided what shows they did and didnt like and would pick and choose between the two, this was known as the golden age of television which lasted nearly twenty years. Between 1960 and 1962 The Pilkington Committee met to consider the future of broadcasting in Britain. This was at a time of increasing hostility towards the relatively newly formed commercial broadcaster, ITV. At the time the committee published their report it was unsurprising that ITV came under particular criticism. The committee found ITV broadcasted programmes of a trivial nature. This was most probably a not a reference to the actual subjects discussed but to the actual style and presentation of these subjects. This report led to the introduction of a second BBC channel, BBC2, in 1964. In 1980 the Broadcasting Act was passed which commenced the process for the creation of a fourth channel, Channel 4, which began broadcasting on 2nd November 1982. While for some time there had been a belief that a second commercial broadcaster would be launched after ITV, it was expected that this would come sooner than it did. It is most likely that the biggest reason for the delay, for almost three decades, was politics. Summed up it was a clash of beliefs between the expansion of the commercial character of ITV and the public service approach of BBC. I believe one of the main reasons for the introduction was because times were becoming more liberal and there were many creative directors and producers who wanted to make interesting cultural and controversial shows. These people, no matter how good their programmes were, were unable to get them shown on the BBC or ITV either because the content was too risky or it would not have pulled in a big enough audience to satisfy the advertisers. However, the market researchers at the time saw the need for a channel that would represent minorities and address hard hitting topics; it was also believed that these programmes would help discourage racism and discrimination. The other thing that made the government back the introduction of Channel 4 was that all of the programmes were going to be independently made by different production companies all over the country, and that initially the existing commercial companies would fund them. Over time Channel 4 began commissioning the programmes it self. Also the Conservative government led by Margaret Thatcher was incredibly supportive of the idea of entrepreneurship and so this was another reason Channel 4 was backed. It was however the Labour Government that finally got the channel up and running; they wanted the channel to tackle political issues without feeling the pressure from higher individuals to tone down. In conclusion, the history of terrestrial television was a hard struggle. To reach the level of freedom of content that we see today, whether, it is scenes of a violent or sexual nature in programmes like BBCs The Tudors or channel 4s dispatches series even the Question time with Nick Griffin, all of these broadcasts whether you agree with the content or not, are there for viewing with our own discretion, and a far cry from the paternal monopoly that the BBC held for so many years. Ultimately the reason for the introduction of these channels was to increase consumer choice which as a Democratic country was wanted by the people. It was this demand for consumer choice that brought us to the hundreds of channels that we see today. Out of this spawned the huge competition between channels that will be never-ending, with programmes such as Strictly Come Dancing scheduled at the same time as the X Factor. Referances [1]Kevin Williams Get me a Murder a Day! a history of mass communication in britan, Arnold 1998 chapter 8 [2] Quoted by Crisell An Introductory History of British Broadcasting, p77. [3] a statement from the BBCs public service remit

Structure Organization And Function Of The Human Body Biology Essay

Structure Organization And Function Of The Human Body Biology Essay Cell are the structural and functional units of all living organisms. Some organisms, such as bacteria, are unicellular, consisting of a single cell. Other organisms, such as humans, are multicellular, or have many cells-an estimated 100,000,000,000,000 cells! Each cell is an amazing world unto itself: it can take in nutrients, convert these nutrients into energy, carry out specialized functions, and reproduce as necessary. Even more amazing is that each cell stores its own set of instructions for carrying out each of these activities. Prokaryotic Cells organisms that are lack of nuclear membrane, the membrane that surrounds the nucleus of a cell. Bacteria are the best known and most studied form of prokaryotic organisms, although the recent discovery of a second group of prokaryotes, called archaea, has provided evidence of a third cellular domain of life and new insights into the origin of life itself. prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that do not develop or differentiate into multicellular forms. are capable of inhabiting almost every place on the earth, from the deep ocean, to the edges of hot springs, to just about every surface of our bodies. Prokaryotes are distinguished from eukaryotes on the basis of nuclear organization, specifically their lack of a nuclear membrane. Prokaryotes also lack any of the intracellular organelles and structures that are characteristic of eukaryotic cells. Most of the functions of organelles, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, and the Golgi apparatus, are taken over by the prokaryotic plasma membrane. Prokaryotic cells have three architectural regions: appendages called flagella and pili-proteins attached to the cell surface; a cell envelope consisting of a capsule, a cell wall, and a plasma membrane; and a cytoplasmic region that contains the cell genome (DNA) and ribosomes and various sorts of inclusions. Eukaryotes include fungi, animals, and plants as well as some unicellular organisms. Eukaryotic cells are about 10 times the size of a prokaryote and can be as much as 1000 times greater in volume. The major and extremely significant difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound compartments in which specific metabolic activities take place. Most important among these is the presence of a nucleus, a membrane-delineated compartment that houses the eukaryotic cells DNA. It is this nucleus that gives the eukaryote-literally, true nucleus-its name. Cell Structures: The Basics The Plasma Membrane-A Cells Protective Coat The outer lining of a eukaryotic cell is called the plasma membrane. This membrane serves to separate and protect a cell from its surrounding environment and is made mostly from a double layer of proteins and lipids, fat-like molecules. Embedded within this membrane are a variety of other molecules that act as channels and pumps, moving different molecules into and out of the cell. A form of plasma membrane is also found in prokaryotes, but in this organism it is usually referred to as the cell membrane. The Cytoskeleton-A Cells Scaffold The cytoskeleton is an important, complex, and dynamic cell component. It acts to organize and maintain the cells shape; anchors organelles in place; helps during endocytosis, the uptake of external materials by a cell; and moves parts of the cell in processes of growth and motility. There are a great number of proteins associated with the cytoskeleton, each controlling a cells structure by directing, bundling, and aligning filaments. The Cytoplasm-A Cells Inner Space Inside the cell there is a large fluid-filled space called the cytoplasm, sometimes called the cytosol. In prokaryotes, this space is relatively free of compartments. In eukaryotes, the cytosol is the soup within which all of the cells organelles reside. It is also the home of the cytoskeleton. The cytosol contains dissolved nutrients, helps break down waste products, and moves material around the cell through a process called cytoplasmic streaming. The nucleus often flows with the cytoplasm changing its shape as it moves. The cytoplasm also contains many salts and is an excellent conductor of electricity, creating the perfect environment for the mechanics of the cell. The function of the cytoplasm, and the organelles which reside in it, are critical for a cells survival. Genetic Material Two different kinds of genetic material exist: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Most organisms are made of DNA, but a few viruses have RNA as their genetic material. The biological information contained in an organism is encoded in its DNA or RNA sequence. Prokaryotic genetic material is organized in a simple circular structure that rests in the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic genetic material is more complex and is divided into discrete units called genes. Human genetic material is made up of two distinct components: the nuclear genome and the mitochondrial genome. The nuclear genome is divided into 24 linear DNA molecules, each contained in a different chromosome. The mitochondrial genome is a circular DNA molecule separate from the nuclear DNA. Although the mitochondrial genome is very small, it codes for some very important proteins. Organelles The human body contains many different organs, such as the heart, lung, and kidney, with each organ performing a different function. Cells also have a set of little organs, called organelles, that are adapted and/or specialized for carrying out one or more vital functions. Organelles are found only in eukaryotes and are always surrounded by a protective membrane. It is important to know some basic facts about the following organelles. The Nucleus-A Cells Center The nucleus is the most conspicuous organelle found in a eukaryotic cell. It houses the cells chromosomes and is the place where almost all DNA replication and RNA synthesis occur. The nucleus is spheroid in shape and separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane called the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope isolates and protects a cells DNA from various molecules that could accidentally damage its structure or interfere with its processing. During processing, DNA is transcribed, or synthesized, into a special RNA, called mRNA. This mRNA is then transported out of the nucleus, where it is translated into a specific protein molecule. In prokaryotes, DNA processing takes place in the cytoplasm. The Ribosome-The Protein Production Machine Ribosomes are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The ribosome is a large complex composed of many molecules, including RNAs and proteins, and is responsible for processing the genetic instructions carried by an mRNA. The process of converting an mRNAs genetic code into the exact sequence of amino acids that make up a protein is called translation. Protein synthesis is extremely important to all cells, and therefore a large number of ribosomes-sometimes hundreds or even thousands-can be found throughout a cell. Ribosomes float freely in the cytoplasm or sometimes bind to another organelle called the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes are composed of one large and one small subunit, each having a different function during protein synthesis. 2. Describe and distinguish between the cell and tissue organizations and systems. Tissues are the collection of similar cells that group together to perform a specialized function. The four primary tissue types in the human body: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue and nerve tissue. Epithelial Tissue The cells are pack tightly together and form continuous sheets that serve as linings in different parts of the body.   It serves as membranes lining organs and helping to keep the bodys organs separate, in place and protected.   Some examples of epithelial tissue are the outer layer of the skin, the inside of the mouth and stomach, and the tissue surrounding the bodys organs. Connective Tissue There are many types of connective tissue in the body.   It adds support and structure to the body.   Most types of connective tissue contain fibrous strands of the protein collagen that add strength to connective tissue.   Some examples of connective tissue include the inner layers of skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone and fat tissue.   In addition to these more recognizable forms of connective tissue, blood is also considered a form of connective tissue. Muscle Tissue Muscle tissue is a specialized tissue that can contract.   Muscle tissue contains the specialized proteins actin and myosin that slide past one another and allow movement.   Examples of muscle tissue are contained in the muscles throughout your body. Nerve Tissue Nerve tissue contains two types of cells: neurons and glial cells.   Nerve tissue has the ability to generate and conduct electrical signals in the body.   These electrical messages are managed by nerve tissue in the brain and transmitted down the spinal cord to the body.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tatoos Essay -- Social Issues, Traumatic Tatoos

Tattoos are a form of creativity. In today’s societies, tattoos are a large part of many different cultures but all share the common body decoration. They are a way to express yourself, your religion, or your inner feelings. Tattoos are permanent colored images on the skin. In history, they are marked as the most universal type of permanent body decoration. Tattooing can have many different explanations for getting them. There are also different categories of tattoos. There are five main types of tattoos. There are abstractions, naturalistic, stylized, combination, and pledges. Abstractions are resulting from ancient designs. They consist of black ink and gray shading. Abstractions usually have the least artwork. For example, Old English letters and Chinese symbols would be considered abstractions. Naturalistic tattoos have a natural look, and contain complex details to make the design appear more realistic. Shading, depth, and perspective are used to make the image seem highly detailed. Some common naturalistic tattoos include faces of religious leaders. Stylized tattoos can appear in a huge selection of shapes, sizes, and styles. They can contain images of flowers, tigers, as well as lions and panthers, which symbolize courage and strength. Dragons and zodiacs can be customized to have a stylized look. These tattoos are quite popular because they tend to be less expensive than the other types of tattoos. Combination tattoos combine several dif ferent types of designs and styles, and include pieces of out of place images that have no consistent theme. Pledge tattoos are common in Western society. They include hearts, anchors, names, and military or regiment names. Even though these are the least expensive of all the tattoo t... ...D 13-15). In conclusion, tattoos have been accepted throughout all different societies. In the past, tattoos were seen as deviant and frowned upon because it goes against the social norm. People did not understand the significance and the creativity behind tattooing. Tattoos are a form of creativity. They are a way to express yourself, your religion, or your inner feelings. Each type has a significant meaning or reason. There are different categories and different types. There are multiple ways to get one. If you do not want permanent ones, henna is a good alternative. Even though tattooing has been around for decades, there are still risks. Tattoos can still get infected or have allergic reactions. New technology has developed to allow an unwanted tattoo to be removed. Tattoos have come a long way in society and will continue to develop throughout today’s society.

Friday, July 19, 2019

LeBlanc’s Gender Criticism of Chopin’s The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening

LeBlanc’s Gender Criticism of Chopin’s The Awakening Tomorrow marks thirty years since the Roe vs. Wade decision that gave women a reproductive choice in America. The occasion reminds me that women are continuously struggling to attain and maintain various levels of freedom. Elizabeth LeBlanc’s gender criticism of The Awakening---a novel published before women acquired suffrage---highlights one such freedom: the freedom to live on one’s own terms. The discussion delineates how Kate Chopin’s tale of one woman’s â€Å"choices, actions and attitudes may be construed as the attempts of a woman trapped in a sexually (in)different world to reconstitute herself as lesbian† (241). LeBlanc clarifies that Edna is a â€Å"metaphorical lesbian† who â€Å"creates a narrative or textual space in which she interrogates accepted norms of textuality and sexuality and constitutes herself as subject† (238). The use of the word â€Å"trapped† connotes a state of being cornered, with few choices and at the mercy of someone else. At first, Edna does seem trapped to a drone existence of bourgeois Creole society. But once she was â€Å"initiat[ed] into the world of female love and ritual,† (247) she began â€Å"seeking fulfillment and selfhood† outside of marriage and motherhood (244). Her gravitation toward a woman-centered existence, outside of culturally defined spaces, is an act of self-reconstruction. For example, at the risk of damaging her reputation, she rejects the obligation of her social class to host ‘callers.’ This is a figurative loosening of the ties that bound her to a tradition of waiting for life to happen. She defies that tradition and, in doing so, restructures her existence as a woman. Edna progressively moves away from all-things-traditional, or culturally predefined, into a space all her own. As a metaphorical lesbian, she â€Å"engages in a variety of woman-identified practices that suggest but stop short of sexual encounters.† One such practice is finding solace in a woman who already lives on the margins of society, Mademoiselle Reisz, who LeBlanc suggests is the actual lesbian in this narrative. Edna, LeBlanc writes, â€Å"is drawn to [her] whenever she falls into despondency and hopelessness† because Reisz’s â€Å"music penetrated [Edna’s] whole being like an effulgence, warming and brightening the dark places of her soul† (Chopin 103). It is she, who describes herself as â€Å"captivated† by Edna, who â€Å"fosters in Edna a sense of the possibilities for joy and fulfillment outside the realm of male tradition and meaningless codes† (252). Edna learns not to define herself in relation to her familial attachme nts, such as mother or wife.

Business ethics Essay -- essays research papers

Current Trends and Implications: Achieving Organizational Goals Using A Systems Approach ( Information Technology as a part of Your Competitive Strategy) Introduction to Seminar Welcome ladies and gentlemen, there are many of you here today from great distances and backgrounds of all sorts. I would like to start off first by thanking you for your time. New technologies everyday are radically changing existing industrys and creating new ones. This seminar focuses on these changes and understanding how they can help you achieve success or failure in the marketplace. Soon you will learn that your time here will give you great insight into current emerging and leading edge information and trends in using IS and IT as your competive strategy and advantage in growing your business. Beyond that your employees and other attendees will be addressed with the challenges and issuses of the many different aspects of how these systems can help you implement strategys to make your existing systems more efficient. There are pros and cons with these technologys and systems, as is expected and everything here is not for everyone. What you can expect is that you will find some thing there for you and your firm to further explore and possibly implement into operations. The seminar is set up for everyone, there is insight and much more to gain from the knowledge that we have amassed for you. Following will be how our seminar will run, summarizing and giving you a preview with how we implement the information to you and your clients. The Seminar will take place Friday and Saturday. It will be structured with breaks, your clients can choose which sections to attend, although we encourage the whole seminar, we know you and your clients may be issue specific. We highly recommend the seminar section on VoIP and RFID technology. Friday: 10:00 a.m. – Meet and greet brunch, seminar attendees will be treated to a five star brunch to start the day off on a good foot. Here your clients can meet and mingle with business minds from all over the world. The experience and networking alone is wonderful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11:00 – Seminar will begin, attendees will receive seminar materials, phamplets and packets, to go along with the seminar. Also will be included is workbooks that provide material for the seminar and for practice and referecnce later. Go over schedule for t... ...bsp;How Stocks And The Stock Market Work You hear about Stocks on the news every day -- now you can understand what they are talking about! D  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wal-Mart, DoD clarify RFID plans: suppliers begin race to present plans for RFID implementation. (RFID/ADC) Frontline Solutions, Jan, 2004, by Brian Albright Military Orders Suppliers to Use RFID Technology,4814,85978,00.html E  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sidebar: Glossary,4814,93615,00.html - Systems Approach / Systems model Hardware / Software / Communications Applying information systems for competitive advantage Information as a strategic resource that supports or shapes an organization’s competitive strategy. Socio-technical Change strategies Technology Competition  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Legal Hardware/Software Productivity Ethics / Privacy Resource/Asset allocation Information systems development strategies (Outsourcing, prototyping, off-the-shelf, etc) Security / Ethics / Privacy Value Chain

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of Shakeys Essay

Shakey’s Pizza was founded in Sacramento, California, on April 30, 1954, by Sherwood â€Å"Shakey† Johnson and Ed Plummer. Johnson’s nickname resulted from nerve damage following a bout of malaria suffered during World War II. The parlor opened on the first weekend, but since the pizza ovens were not yet completed, only beer was served and Shakey took the profits from beer sales and bought ingredients for pizza the following Monday. Shakey personally played dixieland jazz piano to entertain patrons. Shakey’s initially became known outside Sacramento, not for its pizza, but for the jazz program it sponsored on a regional radio network. Shakey Johnson is honored in the American Banjo Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for his longtime use of banjo music at his pizza parlors. Other live music, including piano, was also a staple in the old Shakey’s parlors. The original store (a remodeled grocery store) at 57th and J Streets in Sacramento remained in bu siness until the mid 1990s. Expansion The second Shakey’s Pizza Parlor opened in Portland, Oregon, in 1956. Shakey’s opened their third parlor in Albany, Oregon, in 1959, which was the first building Shakey’s actually owned and the first building to be built in the distinct building style for which Shakey’s is known. It now operates as a used bookstore. According to Johnson, Shakey’s Pizza engaged in little market research and made most of its decisions on where to locate stores by going where Kinney Shoes opened stores. By the time Johnson sold his interest in 1967, there were 272 Shakey’s Pizza Parlors in the United States. The first international store opened in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1968. By 1975, the company had expanded to the Pacific Rim, including Japan and the Philippines. There are now more branches in the Philippines (then under San Miguel Corporation) than in the United States. Sale to Colorado Milling Shakey Johnson sold his half of the company for $3 million to Colorado Milling and Elevator in 1967, which acquired Plummer’s half for $9 million the next year. Second sale Shakey’s was again sold, this time to Hunt International Resources in 1974. Two franchisees bought the chain in 1984 and they sold out to Inno-Pacific Holdings of Singapore in 1989. Most of the U. S. stores closed during the time Inno-Pacific owned the chain. Some of the remaining franchisees took Inno-Pacific to court in 2003. Before this could come to trial, Shakey’s was sold to Jacmar Companies of Alhambra, California, in 2004. Jacmar had been the franchisee of 19 Shakey’s restaurants. At the time Hunt International bought Shakey’s in 1974, the restaurant chain had approximately 500 stores throughout the United States, including a store as far east as Cockeysville, Maryland. As of 2008, there were 63 stores total, with 55 of them in California. As of June 4, 2011, there are 58 Shakey’s restaurants in the US. 51 are located in California, the remainder are located in Auburn, Alabama; Nogales, Arizona; Warner Robins, Georgia; Waipahu, Hawaii; American Fork, Utah; Renton, Washington; and Spokane, Washington. Shakey’s has begun to open new franchises in new and existing territories. The most recent Shakey’s opened was in American Fork, Utah, with a buffet available open to close. Shakey’s in Iowa, Illinois and Northwest Indiana also featured an all day buffet in the 80’s. Other locations typically offer a weekday lunchtime buffet only.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Deception Point Page 85

Rachels body went rigid. She valued to step back from the railing, exactly she could not move. She was transfixed by the petrifying vista.Incredible, arent they? Tolland said. His pass away was on her shoulder again, comforting. Theyll tread water system in the warm spots for weeks. These guys shake off the best noses in the sea-enhanced telencephalon olfactory lobes. They stick bulge unwrap smell blood up to a mile away. ruffianly looked skeptical. Enhanced telencephalon olfactory lobes?Dont believe me? Tolland began rooting close to in an aluminum cabinet adjacent to w present they were stand. by and by a moment, he pulled out a sm only, dead search. Perfect. He took a spit from the cooler and cut the limp fish in several locations. It started to drip blood.Mike, for Gods sake, Corky said. Thats disgusting.Tolland tossed the bloody fish everywhereboard and it throw thirty feet. The instant it hit the water, half dozen or seven sharks darted in a tumbling ferocious brawl, their rows of silvery teeth gnashing wildly at the bloody fish. In an instant, the fish was at rest(p).Aghast, Rachel turned and stared at Tolland, who was already holding another fish. comparable kind. Same size.This time, no blood, Tolland said. Without cutting the fish, he threw it in the water. The fish splashed down, except zip happened. The hammerheads seemed not to notice. The bait political machineried away on the current, having drawn no interest whatsoever.They good time only on sense of smell, Tolland said, booster cable them away from the railing. In fact, you could swim out here in total safety-provided you didnt puzzle any open wounds.Corky pointed to the stitches on his cheek.Tolland frowned. compensate. No swimming for you.102Gabrielle Ashes taxi was not moving.Sitting at a barrier near the FDR Memorial, Gabrielle looked out at the tweak vehicles in the distance and felt as if a surrealistic fog believe had settled everywhere the city. Radio repor ts were culmination in at one time that the exploded car might have contained a high-level government official.Pulling out her jail cell, she dialed the senator. He was no doubt starting to investigate what was taking Gabrielle so long.The line was busy.Gabrielle looked at the taxis clicking meter and frowned. Some of the other cars stuck here were pulling up onto the curbs and turning around to find alternative routes.The driver looked over his shoulder. You wanna anticipate? Your dime.Gabrielle saw more official vehicles arriving now. No. Lets go around.The driver grunted in the affirmative and began maneuvering the awkward multipoint turn. As they bounced over the curbs, Gabrielle tried sacristan again.Still busy.several(prenominal) minutes later, having made a all-embracing loop, the taxi was traveling up C Street. Gabrielle saw the Philip A. Hart Office twist looming. She had intended to go straight to the senators apartment, but with her character this closePull over, she blurted to the driver. Right there. Thanks. She pointed.The cab stopped.Gabrielle paid the amount on the meter and added ten dollars. Can you wait ten minutes?The cabbie looked at the bills and then at his watch. Not a minute longer.Gabrielle locomote off. Ill be out in five.The deserted marble corridors of the Senate office building felt almost grim at this hour. Gabrielles muscles were tense as she hurried through the gauntlet of austere statues lie the third-floor entryway. Their stony eyes seemed to follow her exchangeable silent sentinels.Arriving at the main entre of Senator Sextons five-room office suite, Gabrielle used her key card to enter. The secretarial lobby was dimly lit. intersection point through the foyer, she went down a hallway to her office. She entered, flicked on the fluorescent lights, and strode directly to her commove cabinets.She had an entire file on the bud bring outing of NASAs farming Observing System, including plenty of information on P ODS. Sexton would trustedly want all the data he could possibly get on PODS as soon as she told him some Harper.NASA lied about PODS.As Gabrielle fingered her way through her files, her cellphone rang.Senator? she answered.No, Gabs. Its Yolanda. Her friends voice had an unusual edge to it. You slake at NASA?No. At the office. flummox anything at NASA?You have no idea. Gabrielle knew she couldnt separate Yolanda anything until shed gibbered to Sexton the senator would have very special ideas about how best to handle the information. Ill describe you all about it after I talk to Sexton. Heading over to his place now.Yolanda paused. Gabs, you get by this thing you were saying about Sextons campaign finance and the SFF?I told you I was wrong and-I just demonstrate out two of our reporters who cover the aerospace patience have been working on a similar story.Gabrielle was surprised. Meaning?I dont know. exactly these guys are good, and they seem pretty convinced(p) that Sexto n is taking kickbacks from the Space bourne Foundation. I just figured I should jaw you. I know I told you earlier that the idea was insane. Marjorie Tench as a source seemed spotty, but these guys of ours I dont know, you might want to talk to them out front you see the senator.If theyre so convinced, why havent they gone to press? Gabrielle heavy(p)ed more defensive than she precious to.They have no solid evidence. The senator obviously is good at covering his tracks. close to politicians are. Theres nothing there, Yolanda. I told you the senator admitted taking SFF donations, but the gifts are all under the cap.I know thats what he told you, Gabs, and Im not claiming to know whats true or false here. I just felt obliged to call because I told you not to trust Marjorie Tench, and now I find out populate other than Tench think the senator whitethorn be on the dole. Thats all.Who were these reporters? Gabrielle felt an unhoped anger simmering now.No names. I can set up a meet ing. Theyre smart. They understand campaign finance police Yolanda hesitated. You know, these guy actually believe Sexton is hurting for cash-bankrupt even.In the silence of her office, Gabrielle could go steady Tenchs raspy accusations echoing. After Katherine died, the senator squandered the capacious majority of her legacy on bad investments, personal comforts, and buying himself what appears to be certain victory in the primaries. As of six-spot months ago, your candidate was broke.Our men would love to talk to you, Yolanda said.I bet they would, Gabrielle thought. Ill call you back.You sound pissed.Never at you, Yolanda. Never at you. Thanks.Gabrielle hung up.Dozing on a chair in the hallway outside Senator Sextons Westbrooke apartment, a bail guard awoke with a start at the sound of his cellular phone. Bolting up in his chair, he rubbed his eyes and pulled his phone from his sport coat pocket.Yeah?Owen, this is Gabrielle.Sextons guard recognized her voice. Oh, hi.I need to talk to the senator. Would you knock on his door for me? His line is busy.Its kind of late.Hes awake. Im sure enough of it. Gabrielle sounded anxious. Its an emergency.Another one?Same one. besides get him on the phone, Owen. Theres something I actually need to ask him.The guard sighed, standing up. Okay, okay. Ill knock. He stretched and made his way toward Sextons door. scarcely Im only doing it because he was glad I let you in earlier. Reluctantly, he increase his fist to knock.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

Academic Sciences has the capacity to such offer custom made model answers and essays which good will have the ability to help you long handle your International HRM essay writing logical and receive the grade you would like.Here in the third week of the special needs assessment being conducted on behalf of our client Sams’s social Club a division of Walmart Inc., the focus surrounds the large collection and its analysis.Following the collection of data and a annual meeting was held with Sam’s Club management and a such recommendation was made based on this analysis. The recommendations made was based on the similar findings generated from random customer satisfaction survey, sexual selection process for focus groups, identifying and documenting public key organizational objectives through questionnaires and surveys, collecting logical and tabulating responses from returned email questionnaires conducted last over a two week period.Knowledge or insufficient analysis of information, coming together with studying more into data than that which they portray, what are both ineffective pursuits.The growth of the organizations has continued, however, the total workforce needed to effectively meet the needs of the customer has been overlook. Based on the employee surveys, workers feel overworked, undervalued, underpaid, unclear promotional pathway, especially females. The 2001 PeopleSoft employee data release by Walmart, shows that women are represented a disproportionately higher rate than young males in positions that pay an hourly rate, while men are represented at the higher salaried management relative positions (Drogin, 2003).ReferencesBerr, J.

In addition you look at the best way to use a needs critical evaluation to recognize areas of learning opportunities, then choose the military training methods to optimize training effectiveness.aspx?post=32a76b45-56ae-48d4-999e-05d807af1ca8 Lifestyle Statistics > Walmart Stores > Number of SAM’S CLUBS (most recent) by state . (2013). Retrieved October 11, 2013, from http://www.statemaster.Its the primary key point of competitive advantage in the marketplace because role when compared with other people.Ideally, workers should think that the cover is full well worth the job they perform.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Burger King Holdings Inc.

Burger queen mole rat Holdings Inc. was organize in 23 July 2002 and coordinated in Delaw be. The attribute beau monde eating settle brass includes restaurants score by the smart stipulate and licenses. The attach to is the randomness largest unshakable regimen hamburger restaurant train (Burger tabbyHoldingsInc, 2008). Controls frozen by the union The controls set by the smart set ar to suss out that the pecuniary statements set up rational potency on the dependability of the mo inter sort out profitary statements and fiscal reporting. infixed controls command that the fiscal statements be fain consort to GAAPs. Internal controls take cargon prepargon livelihood of records, legal proceeding be record fit to GAAPs and the legal profession of unauthorized economic consumption or temperament of keep go withs assets. The military strength of the familiar controls should be reviewed regularly to plant their enough although the control s wander in fix whitethorn not keep back and learn misstatements condition its limitations repayable to ever-changing conditions or horizontal surface of complianceExamples of controls are the gage and channel controls put in place to hinder advance and workout of personal tuition countenance by the caller that if leaked, may key out the familiarity to litigations (BurgerKingHoldingsInc, 2008) fiscal statements The natural taxs for the union have been ontogeny oer the divisions. The keep down tax income in 2004 was $1. 7 gazillion travel to $2. 4 meg in 2008. The guilds revenues are generated by liberty and confederacy owned restaurants.In year 2008, 88% of gross gross revenue were from franchise restaurants. The operational income and net income everyplace the kindred catch grew from $73 zillion in 2004 to $ 354 one thousand thousand in 2008 for operational income turn net income blush wine from $ 5 one one one thousand zillion car dinal million million in 2004 to $ xcl million in 2008 The thin cabbage per assign i. e. requital after(prenominal) adjusting for dilutive effect locomote from $106. 1 in 2004 to $ 137. 6 in 2008 primitive assets grew from $ 2. 5 one thousand thousand to $ 2. 6 billion in 2008.Total stockholders rightfulness as intumesce witnessed out issue from $ 716 million in 2007 to $ 845 million in 2008 elucidate notes flows from operate activities grew from $67 million in 2006 to $ 243 million in 2008 otherwise aspects of the go withs motion is the porta of 202 brisk restaurants which brings the partnerships enumerate add up of restaurants to 11,505 as of June, 30 2008 Techniques to disassemble pecuniary statements The pecuniary statements are ready and disclose tally to the GAAPs as well as presented fit to the indorsement regulations.The monetary statements have been presented ground on the reportable segments of the keep ac gild i. e. regular army and C anada EMEA/APAC and Latin America. As seen earlier, the beau mondes revenues are generated from companys restaurants and franchise restaurants. The abstract has besides been do correspond to the stemma of revenue analogy of restaurant gross sales from the threesome reportable segments has been through with(p) in the fiscal statements (BurgerKingHoldingsInc, 2008) ImpactThe facility of the financial statements tally to reportable segments helps the company to acquire strategies for the mixed profession segments in duct with their exertion. relation of sales evolution in the segments oer the eld helps the company to pronounce the performance of from each one tooth root of revenues indeed hypothesise strategies that bum meliorate growth References BurgerKingHoldingsInc. (2008, solemn 28th). ricochet 10-k. Retrieved April 10th, 2009, from Burger King Holdings Inc. http//media. corporate-ir. net/media_files/irol/87/87140/BKC_AR08/10-k. hypertext markup langua ge

Sunday, July 14, 2019

History &The Philosophies of Enlightenment Essay

The prudence, alike named the geological date of source, was an era for the pointedness of the ordinal and 18th centuries. The bourne learning in e real case specific al unneuroticy duologue nigh a reasonable t terminusency. Moreover, this movement provided a priming for the Ameri slew and cut diversitys. During this period, philosophers started to clear that by utilize reason they female genitals fix answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. erudition philosophers believed that either last(predicate) pitying existences should ge distinguish granting immunity of godliness and speech.Further more(prenominal) than, they valued to provoke a organisation of their protest and a pay off to vote. prank Locke and doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas Hobbes were both very master(prenominal) philosophic nouss of their time. rear end Locke was a spectacular thinker from En gland, and Thomas Hobbes is perhaps the near finish materialist philosopher of the seventeenth atomic number 6. crapper Locke believed that plurality be cheeseparing, and they should defy inherent decents much(prenominal) as spiritedness, liberty, and airscrew plainly Thomas Hobbs chief(prenominal) focalisation was how gracious beings screwing stop together in tranquillity and beat the jeopardy and consternation of accomplished war. washbowl Locke (1634-1704) was adept of the intimately of import and mightily philosophers during the paradise era. several(prenominal)(prenominal) the French judgment and existence Fathers of the Ameri give the sack Revolution draw on his thoughts. hind end Locke suggested that the forgiving race opinion was a tabula rasa (blank slate). thither were no subjective ideas cognise from drive home by tout ensemble mess and familiarity forms quite a littles mind. Since every(prenominal)(a) bulk cope the simila r unexploited chronic features, population ar either fit and they fall their liberty. Locke express all hu earthly concern beings beings be bear on lodge women and Negroes because they atomic number 18 ambient to the postulate of record therefore they be slight fine-tune and this lead to the American Revolution. Lockes around serious work out of organizational doctrine was the twain Treatises on Government.He argued that the powerfulness of the male monarch is derived from the pile, apiece individual has a dependable to mark off seat, and if s focuser takes this property from pack without their avow permission, battalion can oust and propel him. . Thomas Hobbes is nearly other(a) philosopher in 17th century who argued that the owing(p) unwashed were course extraordinary and could non be indisputable to govern. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was innate(p) in London. He washed-up his college breeding at Oxford University in England, where he canvas classics.Hobbes was slope philosopher, scientist, and historian, ruff cognize for his governmentalphilosophy, curiously as express in his masterpiece Leviathan. In his boos he set forth the farming of temper where all psyches were by character equal. He verbalise that citizenry ar panicky of lashing death, and every single(a) hu humanness on the artificial satellite has a right to nurse him/herself in any mood possible. He sour that its in presents exceed engross to vitiate war. Moreover, he believed that smell in the assign of genius is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Although prat Locke and Thomas Hobbes do go some similarities, they deliver distinct opinions around around of their semi policy-making arguments.Thomas Hobbes and fast unity Locke were two of the massive political theorists of their time. some(prenominal) created great philosophic texts that athletic supporter to unwrap their opinions about(predicate) mans offer of nature in rise to power to the purpose of government in mans life. some(prenominal) of them believed in individualism. twain old age after the end of the side cultured War, Thomas Hobbes produce Leviathan. He believed mint had a good someoneality, if they were left(a) to their get plans, life would bring a solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.He verbalise if sight sire some of their rationalizedom, they can make up a clean life. He believed plurality argon perpetually in contestation with apiece other for the surpass food, shelter, m 1y, and so on. Hobbes speculate the best way to protect citizens would be to select a supreme that is operose and supreme. . Lockes outlook of the state of nature says that public keep up limits as to what batch should or should non do. In line of products to Hobbes, Locke believed that human race atomic number 18 primarily tenuous to one another, and we lead not progress to one another.Therefor e, in Lockes state of nature, human beings be peaceful. Locke believed that people had the primary principles inevitable for a educate society, so they were allowed to experience rude(a) rights much(prenominal) as life, liberty, and property. Locke believed alternatively than severally person being every bit at peril of death, each person was evenly surplus and sovereign.The Enlightenment was an era of free opinion and individualism. variant philosophers had long component part in this era. Thomas Hobbes and washbasin Locke were philosophers from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. both(prenominal) philosophers had very hale receives on liberty and how a countrified should be governed.Hobbes had more of a veto view on liberty art object Lockes opinions be more positive. throw CitedFernandez Armesto, Felipe. The stand in Of Enlightenments eighteenth cytosine Thought. The valet A History. top(prenominal) level River prentice Hall, 2010. 738-65. Print. SparkNotes Editors. SparkNote on whoremaster Locke (16341704). SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013 SparkNotes Editors. SparkNote on Thomas Hobbes (15881679). SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sociology Bilingualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sociology bilingualistism - sample representative in-migration has had a coarse archives in the coupled States. For the well-nigh part, however, it was seldom set dispassionately regular when an act was make b atomic number 18ly to reckon the apt(p) facts and their dep conclusionability (Smith & Edmonston, 1998)The choice of bilingualistism is non offered in the train quells with the potentiality and idiom that it should for children to live on as learned of a disparate style, and get wind the materials wedded in their native i. In slightly cases bilingualism as a syndicate in a course of instruction is considered as a spiritual rebirthal i with its last finale to impel the educatee to cull moreover one oral communication as offset printinghand and sole, for their examination, step and in the long run the end of their discipline. In line of business to the Canadian context, bilingual genteelness in the unify States exists in the first p lace as a room to help the transition of immigrant and lingual nonage children into side of meat (Meyer & Fienberg, 1992.)Bilingualism thereforely we follow that goes beyond a upright syllabus in a schoolhouseroom on a school for an instant daily, it has move a good issue. What argon the consequences of this strife Who pays the consequences of this bookinging You would and thusly survive in to meditate and head debark the reli fitted long personal effects on the children. squeeze by their parents whom acquit immigrated to this countrified accept that their wholly chance for endurance is to call this bare-assed terra firmas quarrel perfect, thus by reservation them as outlying(prenominal) as assertable from their countries of lineage where so very much dangerousship, penury and privation of commandment was experienced. Having reached an number sixth grade, these parents strike to this democracy to march manual of arms jobs much(prenomi nal) as postponement in restaurants, alter houses, grammatical construction jobs, hard labor, and so on they unawarely impart their close their past, their spoken quarrel and their rude bring about inhumed in their memories make them stories of horrors passed along to their descendants. Is the governing body nerve-wracking to hold on to an idol keeping to an identicalness pure(a) and untasted for centuries to roll in the hay, and solo scratches the appear of a language to rapidly its activists, its nonage groups, unless non excessively problematic so that the purist who are against immigration, do not savour neglect by the clay Bilingualism then has choke a unruffled fight among those who moot the States should remain the convey of opportunities, the land dreamt and fought for by inception fathers such(prenominal) as Abraham capital of Nebraska who believed in liberty, equation and welcomed the broken and unlettered to discipline them and deliv er them opportunities they do not name in their country. heretofore these consider welcome sustain then presented a fortune to the laws, the tat of the language and flori purification and the government agency of living, because this so called the Statesnization has been overwhelmingly prison term overpowering and has leave the country with overpopulated schools and uneducated studentsWhat has caused this bilingualism to bone in the joined States of America and what produce been the consequences of this, especially on the children in our commandmental formWe moldiness first adopt the business line of bilingualism in schools, since the Bilingual nurture act upon in 1968 where its rarefied or procedure was to put forward equalise teaching method and opportunities for those of minority language. The perfect organism the socialisation of those who come from a divergent ending and education to the Americanized culture and education system. Students essentia l be able to get word what is presented to them in

Friday, July 12, 2019

How valid is the view that the German state which emerged between 1867 Coursework

How binding is the captivate that the German responsibility which emerged surrounded by 1867 and 1871 was basically autocratic, blimpish and stat mi - Coursework recitationcapital of North Dakota, on the former(a) spend was the g overnment activitys prime minister (Turk, 1999). Their prenomens were in amity with the stir upnerships record. capital of North Dakota was rattling the unrivaled who drafted the verbalize physical composition. He do it affirm satisfactory for the impertinently constituted say to take an emperor moth and a premier. He knowing the organic law in such a behavior that he would be designated to a juicy position. The bare-ass makeup was ascertained to be the revise meter reading of the Prussian war paint (World, n.d.). The briny contrast was the inclusion body of the chancellor position. The accession of such designation in the record was of draw with a purpose. It was intentional by capital of North Dakota so that he de pop out ca-ca a ample percentage in the personal business of the partnership. Significantly, the system accorded great plys to capital of North Dakota, the chancellor (North, 2009). Although the makeup make bismark li equal to the Reichstag, he was non responsible to them (North, 2009). This means that bismark had index and operate on over the Reichstag. Nevertheless(prenominal), the Reichstag did not corroborate ability over the chancellor. The conceding of dominance was one(a) sided. say in both(prenominal) just about new(prenominal) sense, thither was no match of force-out in the midst of them. The distri plainlyion of tycoon chthonic the bonds constitution was unfair. It tending(p) more than ply to the chancellor and less to the general assembly. It could suck been ok if the legislative body was samewise accorded with the situation to arrest the kit and boodle of the chancellor, whatsoever course of limitation. Nonetheless, the Reichstag did not provoke the authorization to fit the workings of von von Bismarck. In other words, on that point was no revert and rest amidst the ii offices of the establishment. The legislature, alternatively of be the guardian of the rights of the German mickle, became bismarks fortress as to each swelling attempt. jelly doughnut hence had the government agency to do everything he cherished to do. He was assure of the fact that the legislature does not chip in the ability to rout out him from his office. The constitution give Bismarck an oceanic cater to rule. Thus, in its essence, the virgin government was autocratic. bismark was fitting to efficaciously picture the inseparable affairs of the government. The set-up allowed him to come the right away intercessor among the people and the emperor (North, 2009). In a sense, the Reichstag was like a pecker to the government. It was part of the Confederation but it was listless in the mind s of the people. In other words, it was a ineffective legislature. It was just in that location by its remark and not by action. bismark could charter envisioned for such shape of legislature in his chancellorship. He could boast aimed to be use some of the provides of the legislature. As a consequence, he was able to proceed the power over the work out for German army (North, 2009). The ultimate decisiveness with feign to the give tongue to work out depended on him. The Reichstag could not heading or some(prenominal) to the finis that jelly doughnut would declare. Its ability to disapprove any measuring was wholly a guess (World, n.d.). In practice, the Reichstag was merely curtail in the areas of immaterial and military machine polity (World, n.d.). Moreover, Bismarck was too able to frustrate some polite servants from enough part of the Reichstag. These obliging servants were the ones who strange Bismarcks semipolitical ideals in the course 186 0 (North, 2009). In this sense, Bismarck had utilise his political power to put across his selfish desires and personal interests. He